Support Howdenshire Music
"I have never seen or heard anything in my life like this before! We all enjoyed it immensely ... I am still touched by the performers and the setting."
"Thank you, thank you to Howdenshire Music. Thursday's concert was a life changing, life affirming experience. Thank you to all for introducing me to classical music."

Make an Online Donation
Howdenshire Music is a registered charity run by a small team of volunteers. We rely heavily on donations to keep the concert series running and to bring exciting classical performances to Howdenshire. We are immensely grateful for your ongoing support.
Please click below to donate online using our secure online JustGiving page:
Gift Aid Donations via Cheque or Bank Transfer
As a registered charity, Howdenshire Music is able to accept Gift Aid on donations. Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 that you donate, which is a huge help to us.
If you would like to Gift Aid a donation to us, please download, print and fill in this Gift Aid Declaration form and post it to our Treasurer at 15 Kensington Gardens, Howden, East Yorkshire, DN14 7JN, along with a cheque for your chosen donation amount.
Note: Please make cheques payable to 'Howdenshire Music Project'.
Alternatively, you can email the completed Gift Aid Declaration form to us at howdenshiremusic@gmail.com. We can then send you the charity's bank details so that you can donate via bank transfer.
To discuss other ways of supporting Howdenshire Music, please telephone our chairman Steven Goulden on 07743 448123 or email us at howdenshiremusic@gmail.com.
Howdenshire Music is extremely grateful to the following individuals, organisations and businesses for their support:

Mrs Gill Barker

CA3 Studios - Steve Brookfield - Audio & Video Production
Professional audiovisual producer Steve Brookfield has recorded and produced our concert videos since October 2021
Ann Watson's Trust